Envision Your Year Online Course

Instructed by Lana Jelenjev

Length: 2 hours & 30 minutes

Format: Text, lifebook, guided visualization audios

Course Description

Wishing to have a more intentional life? where you build on the essentials, create from your passions, and be fully present?

This 2hours 30 minutes online course is all about laying the foundations for the life you dream of. Moving past the hurried and reactive self, to adding more YOU in the equation.

I know how daunting facing the new year can be. It's the big realization of how fleeting time is. A period that gets us wondering: "How present was I on those that mattered?"

A new year beckons reflection and planning. We'll take your reflection and planning skills to the next level and add INTENTIONALITY when it comes to your time, energy and attention in your different life areas.

Let me help you show up in life and ENVISION the new year as the year you were fully present.

What are the requirements?

Requirements to take this online course are simple. It involves willingness to try new tools, openness to dig deeper to one's longings and the enthusiasm to be fully present in life.

What am I going to get from this course?

This course is part of my SELF-FULL life classes. It is intended to
a) help you tune in with your now
b) make yourfeelings and needs visible
c) guide you to be in alignment to your end in mind
d) support you in moving away from "should-goals" towards "gift-goals"

What other course takers are saying about ENVISION...

"Lana's Envision workshop was one of the best I attended ALL year! Not to be missed, she has another one coming up! Lana has such a special perspective and I was absolutely amazed by all the amazing content and ideas about energy and awareness that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. Highly recommend!" - Melody Rae

"I joined the webinar to get a bit more clarity on how to be more in tuned with myself and how to listen to what I really need and want and during the talks I started getting visuals of not only what I need and what I want but also about the tools I can use to achieve this. Lana is a very insightful person who can read very good not only what you are saying but also between the lines and has a powerful way to translate that into easy to digest words and actions. I came out of the talk with more clear views on what I can and need to do in order to make 2017 a year of ME, thank you Lana for a lovely experience and a lot of insightful realizations!" - Anel Alcala

Who is this course for?

This online course is for individuals who would like to take some time to re-evaluate and re-envision their lives. It is made for people seeking different strategies to be more present in life. People who would like to manage their time, energy and attention in alignment to what truly matters.

About the Instructor

Profile Picture
Lana Jelenjev

I am abreast with current educational trends and philosophies. I can apply this knowledge in developing programs and modules for teaching in the early years. I am passionate about bringing gifted and talented pedagogy in the regular classrooms.

Leaning from my vast experience as an early childhood educator and now as a parent, I provide parent coaching and training to share valuable information on how to provide meaningful and connecting activities with your child at home. I am also a big advocate of strengthening parent-school communication and involvement.

The love for lifelong learning is a gift that we can give to our children.I teach valuable thinking and life skills to children through small group workshops and activities.

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